• The number 1 for painting tools

  • Approx. 1,600 employees worldwide

  • Production of around
    160 million paint rolls per year

The Storch-Ciret Group: Europe's number one for painting tools

Painting Tool Systems - the Storch-Ciret Group produces and sells high quality painting tools. For professional craftsmen and quality-conscious do-it-yourselfers.

Doese brands belong to us

We offer you as an employer

The Storch-Ciret Group owes its success story to all of its employees. You do a lot every day. In an environment that makes this achievement possible - and appreciates it.


work environment
Individual induction and support through a sponsorship model
Further education and training opportunities
Executive coaching
Catering / canteen
Strong feedback culture
Sports facilities

12 Jobs available at our 36 locations

We’re an excellent employer

  • TOP Company

    The Storch-Ciret Group is officially called a “TOP COMPANY” on the kununu rating platform! We're delighted about this, as this award focuses on a high level of employee satisfaction. Our above-average score not only included the anonymous ratings of our own employees, but also the feedback from our applicants. For us, the award is both a confirmation and an incentive to continue building on our strengths as an employer.



  • Top employer in 2021

    The Storch-Ciret Group is one of Germany’s most family-friendly employers! The Freundin media brand and the Kununu employer rating platform recognise employers who provide family-friendly working conditions and promote a work-life balance.
    The working atmosphere, work-life balance, salary, flexible working hours and the option of working from home were some of the areas evaluated.



    The BEST PLACE TO LEARN® training seal is only awarded to companies that prove they provide outstanding qualifications and better-than-average training for young people. The seal is based on a scientifically recognised quality model, analyses and evaluates all important aspects of the training, involves trainers, trainees and former trainees through 360° feedback and is only awarded on the basis of representative results.


  • New Work Employer 2021

    Creating meaning for work, bringing your own personality, leadership and communication on an equal footing, and flexible working in terms of location and hours – New Work SE awarded us the New Work employer seal as a company that creates a forward-looking working environment. We’re happy to actively meet current requirements in order to find out together which forms of cooperation suit us as a forward-looking company.


  • Top employers 2020

    We’re one of the best employers in the SME sector!
    This award, which was presented by the Zentrum für Arbeitgeberattraktivität [Centre for Employer Attractiveness] in cooperation with the University of St. Gallen, is given to companies that actively promote an employee-oriented working culture. This is reflected in the understanding of leadership and job satisfaction among the workforce, for example.