Business Structure

Different Users, Single Focus
The Storch-Ciret Group produces and supplies painting tools for different customers, ranging from commercial craftsmen and the retail trade to DIY users. Our business is structured efficiently and we have individual divisions specialised for each customer group, which allows us to always focus on the basics, providing the best service to every one of our partners.
STORCH Malerwerkzeuge & Profigeräte GmbH – Our Division for Professional Users
Our STORCH division is the reliable, expert partner company for professional stockists, plasterers, painters and decorators. STORCH products and services are specifically tailored to the pros' varying needs, simplifying their everyday work and increasing professional craftsmen's productivity and profitability.
Ciret GmbH – Partner of Retail Trade
Aside from specialised stockists, we supply retailers and hardware stores, trading as our company Ciret. This is grouped into the following business divisions:
- Rota / Kana / Masq / Prep
- FIA ProTeam
For more information about our divisions and particular products, see Our Brands.
Procurement and Services
Our organisation's success is based on flexibility and independence. This being the case, our arms for production, procurement, services and much of logistics work autonomously, throughout the Group, exclusively for us. That keeps us fast, flexible and successful, both nationally and internationally.
This includes:
- Purchasing and ordering companies
- Worldwide production plants
- Individual logistics centres
- Commercial services such as financial and general accounting, marketing communications, IT and management control