Czech school in new splendour thanks to products from Storch-Ciret

Hands on with products from our company: The new building of a special primary school in the eastern Czech village of Bartošovice now shines in splendour. Thanks to the support of the Czech colleagues of the Storch-Ciret Group it was a very glamourous ceremonial opening which took place on 16 September 2020. 

Until then, the premises for children with mental or combined disabilities of the autistic spectrum were located in the second floor of the local primary school. An indispensable institution for families from the surrounding area. The problem: The entire premises were very outdated and no longer met current requirements. So the local families decided to build a new, modern and completely barrier-free building on their own initiative. 

A good thing, which was successfully implemented with enormous commitment from all those involved. 

When the request for support came up, the Czech colleagues of the Storch-Ciret Group were certain: We would be happy to help! All necessary covering materials as well as all aids & painting tools were provided. The project was carried out in cooperation with the "Ostböhmische Vereinigung der Zunft der Maler, Lackierer und Dekorateure der Tschechischen Republik (CMLT ČR)".

We are very proud to be part of this successful project and wish the staff and especially the students a lot of fun in school!

Marketing Communications

Cemile Özügül
Storch-Ciret Holding GmbH
Platz der Republik 6
42107 Wuppertal