From cover fleece to Spanish ring brushes, from special rollers for Italy to cage rollers for the UK - the purchasing and disposition teams ensure that all materials are available for our customers. On time, in the right quantity and at the best possible price.
How to achieve this? Markets must be observed continiously, suppliers visited and evaluated, framework agreements negotiated, order quantities planned and much, much more.
Once a year the procurement managers from Europe come together for an international meeting: Which products or suppliers might also be of interest to other sales companies? How have prices developed? What about our production capacities and delivery times?
"The aim is to pass on experience and knowledge and to find joint solutions for transnational issues," explains Daniel Taudien, Head of Disposition Western Europe & Eastern Europe. This year, another topic has been consequently on the agenda: cooperation. "Close international cooperation and a fast flow of information with regard to suppliers, prices and products are decisive for cost-optimised purchasing and successful disposition throughout Europe. With the latest meeting we have made a lot of progress here".
The participants agreed that the valuable cross-border cooperation should be continued - with the annual meeting and bilateral meetings on specific topics.